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This Australian money pack has games and activities requiring counting groups of notes and coins, adding amounts and finding change. Included in the package is a shopping game and four packs of task cards to play Scoot and Scavenger Hunt.


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You will find:

  • Let’s Go Shopping – a card game where players roll a die to determine how much money they collect from the bank OR draw a shopping card and spend  their money. The game requires the players to count out money and calculate change from amounts up to $10.
  • 24 Task Cards – counting mixed groups of coins and notes to $10.
  • 24 Task Cards – counting mixed groups of coins and notes to $20.
  • 24 Task Cards – shopping with change from $5 or $10.
  • 24 Task Cards – shopping with change from $10, $15 or $20.
  • Scoot and Scavenger Hunt recording sheets for each set of task cards
  • Answer sheets for each set of task cards.
  • All you need for a bundle of fun!


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This resource is for one classroom use only. It is bound by copyright laws and redistributing, editing, selling or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet are all strictly prohibited without first gaining permission from the author. Violations are subject to the penalties of the digital Millennium Copyright Act. 


Australian Money Shopping Game and Task Cards Yr 2/3

  • ZIP with 1 PDF (53.5 MB / 49 pages)

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