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These maths exit tickets or exit slips for grade 1 are aligned to the Australian Curriculum v9 and provide assessment in number, algebra, measurement, space and statistics. They are an easy way to assess students’ knowledge and understanding of concepts and they will inform future planning and help to identify different students’ needs.


Exit tickets are a simple and effective way to quickly assess student learning and understanding at the beginning, middle or end of a topic. They will identify any misconceptions or areas that may require further clarification. This allows teachers to make adjustments to their instruction and address student needs as necessary. Exit tickets can be a fun and interactive way for students to reflect on what they have learned in class.


Here's what you'll get:


  • Australian Curriculum v9 overview
  • Notes for the teacher
  • Student Needs Analysis Sheet
  • Contents pages
  • 137 Exit Tickets - 82 Number, 15 Algebra,  18 Measurement, 12 Space, 10 Statistics
  • Editable exit tickets - 3 to a page & 4 to a page
  • Editable Excel recording sheet


This resource will help you to make informed decisions about your teaching strategies and adjust your instruction to meet the needs of your students. It will encourage your students to reflect and take ownership of their learning.


Exit tickets are a valuable tool for assessing student learning and evaluating the effectiveness of instruction. They will also provide useful data for reporting student progress and informing parent-teacher conferences.


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Copyright © Bee Happy


Permission to copy for single classroom use only. It is bound by copyright laws and redistributing, editing, selling or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet are all strictly prohibited  without first gaining permission from the author. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. 


Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.

Maths Exit Tickets Year One Australian Curriculum v9

$12.00 Regular Price
$9.60Sale Price
  • ZIP with 1 PDF, 1 editable PPT and 1 editable Excel sheet / 124.5 MB / 147 pages

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